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Valley View Baptist Church Constitution

Valley View Baptist Church
Constitution and By-Laws

 We the members of the Valley View Baptist Church Valley View, Kentucky, whose history dates back to 1907, and having lost her original documents of constitution and by-laws, feeling the need for definite bylaws and regulations for the proper conduct and progress of our church and the work of our Lord and savior through this body of Christian believers, do hereby adopt the following by-laws.

For the more certain preservation and security of the principles of our faith, and to the end that this body may be governed in an orderly manner, and for the purpose of preserving the liberties inherent in each individual member of this church and the freedom of action of the body with respect to its relation to other churches of the same faith and practice (Southern Baptist Convention) we do declare and establish this constitution and by-laws.
This body shall be known as the Valley View Baptist Church, Valley View, Kentucky.
The purpose of this church shall be to carry out the Great Commission as given by our Lord. This involves the preaching of the gospel to every creature, the observance of the ordinances, and the teaching of the Word of God that the same might observe to do all things which He has commanded. We recognize that, in the doing of these things, we are to seek as the primary motive the glorification of His precious name.
Having been led as we believe by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God and this assembly most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, doctrines, and discipline; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expense of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment, to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to use our influence to combat the abuse of drugs and the spread of pornography; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love, to remember one another in prayer, to aid in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech, to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.
We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and principles of God's Word.
ARTICLE IV: POLITY (Government and Affiliation)
The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose it. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation which are common among Baptist churches. Insofar as it is practical, this church will cooperate with and support the association and state convention affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Realizing these associations and conventions are made up of local churches with responsibilities associated with cooperation. We will annually elect an executive board member and messengers to represent our church.
The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. The church subscribes to the doctrinal belief as attached to this constitution. We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind. The ordinances of the church are baptism and the Lord's Supper.

Section 1. General:
This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist church under the leadership of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the right to exclusive self -government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal1ife of the church.
The membership reserves unto itself the right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership.
Section 2. Admission of Members:
(1) Any person professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as only and all sufficient Savior, may, by unanimous vote of the congregation at any of its public services, be received into the full fellowship of this church.
(2) Members of other Baptist churches, of like faith and order, may be received by letter of recommendation and dismissal from their respective churches, by unanimous vote of the congregation at any of its public services.
(3) Any person who has at some time been a member of a Baptist church of like faith and order, but whose membership has lapsed, been lost or terminated, may upon statement of the fact, and avowal of their faith and love to Christ, by unanimous vote of the congregation at any of its public services, be received into the membership of this church.
(4) Any person who has been excluded from a Baptist church of like faith and order may be restored to the membership on confession of their errors, and upon giving evidence of repentance, by unanimous vote of the congregation at any of its public services.

Section 3. Dismissal of Members:
(1) Death
(2) Any person on the roll of this church who desires a letter of dismissal to any other Baptist church of like faith and order may receive it upon request. Such letter should state the status of that person's membership: i.e., active, inactive, non-resident. Such letter may be granted by a vote of the church.
(3) Any member of this church who united with a church of another denomination thereby forfeits their standing with us and shall be considered as desiring to no longer be a member of this church and shall have their names dropped from our membership. Letters of church membership to churches who are not of like faith and order with us shall not be granted by this church.

Section 4. Voting Rights of Members:
Every member of this church is entitled to vote at all elections and all questions submitted to the church in conference provided the member is present.
Section 5.
The church will acknowledge only letter requests from churches of like faith and practice.
Section 6.
Membership in this church shall be necessary to hold any elected office. A pastor may unite after his call.

Section 7.
All action regarding termination of membership shall be 3/4 majority of those members present and voting in business session of this church.
Section 1. Pastor:
(1) The pastor is to give special attention to the spiritual needs of the members, to preach the gospel, to administer the ordinances, to watch tenderly over the flock of God, to be the executive leader and officer of the church in its local and denominational relationship, to serve as ex officio member of all committees of the church and to perform any other duties that he and the church agree upon as a duty of his office.
(2) A pastor shall be chosen and called by a 3/4 majority vote of the members present and voting upon a unanimous recommendation of the pulpit committee. The call for this vote shall be given one week in advance. This action in calling a pastor shall be understood to be an indefinite call. Only one man shall be presented to the church for consideration at one time.
(3) He shall serve during the pleasure of the church with the privilege reserved to him of giving up the pastorate at any time deemed by him to be for the best interest of the church and the cause of Christ, as the Holy Spirit may direct. He will be expected to give a thirty (30) day notice of such resignation.  If the church should find it necessary to ask him to resign, this would be done in regular business session of the church by a motion and second asking for his resignation and a 3/4 majority vote of the members present and voting. The church shall give the pastor at least thirty (30) days notice. A thirty (30) day notice must be given prior to the above action and vote.
(4) The church shall take part in the Southern Baptist Minister's Retirement Plan and grant the pastor two (2) weeks vacation, with pay, during the year.
(5) The pastor shall be permitted to be out of the pulpit two (2) Sundays per year for revivals with the church paying the supply speaker. In the event the pastor participates in other revivals that would require his absence on a Sunday, he would pay the supply speaker. These other revivals would require approval of the church.
(6) The church will pay pastor's salary and supply speaker in the case of illness for reasonable periods of time during the year. In the case of prolonged illness, action will be taken by the church and the pastor notified of future arrangements.

Section 2 Deacons:
(1) In accordance with the meaning of the Word and the practice of the New Testament as set forth in Acts 6:1-7 and I Timothy 3:8-13 the deacons are to be servants of the church.
(2) Deacons shall be elected for an indefinite term. The number shall be as many as the church deems necessary.
(3) Any church member may submit names of potential deacon candidates to the deacon body for consideration. A candidate for the office of deacon shall be considered by the church upon the recommendation of the deacon body which shall prayerfully consider
his scriptural qualifications. A vote shall be taken by the church to determine if this selection is acceptable. A simple majority of voting quorum shall be recognized.
(4) The deacons shall be zealous to guard the unity of spirit and the doctrinal integrity within the church in the bond of peace. They shall serve at the Table of the Lord when the Lord's Supper is served, and they shall serve in any reasonable way that they are asked by the pastor of the church.
(5) The deacons shall elect their own chairman, vice-chairman and such officers that are necessary and be responsible for any policies necessary for their meeting or the performance of their duties.
(6) A deacon is expected to be regular in church attendance and to participate in the activities of the church. A man who is ordained to the deaconship and serve in that capacity shall be expected to exercise faithful stewardship over their time, talents, and assets.
(7) A deacon who for any reason feels that he cannot faithfully fulfill the qualifications and duties of an active deacon, may resign by notifying the pastor or the church to that effect and the matter will be presented to the church for acceptance of that resignation.
(8) Should the church discover that a deacon's attitude, actions or doctrinal convictions are deemed unscriptural and may threaten the unity and growth of the church, the church may ask him to resign. Every reasonable effort shall be made to bring the person back into harmony with the church.

Section 3. Trustees:
(1) The church shall elect annually as many trustees it deems necessary to serve as legal officers for the church. They shall hold in trust the church property. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any property without a specific vote of the church authorizing each action. It shall be the function of the trustees to affix their signatures to legal documents involving the sale, mortgage, purchase, or rental of property or other legal documents where the signatures of trustees are required.
a. Trustees shall be considered to be members of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Moderator:
The-moderator shall be elected annually.  In the absence of the moderator, the chairman of deacons shall preside; or in the absence of both, the clerk shall call the church to order and an acting moderator shall be elected.
Section 5. Clerk:
The church shall elect annually a clerk as its clerical officer.  The clerk will be responsible for keeping a suitable record of the official actions of the church except as otherwise provided herein.  The clerk shall be responsible for keeping register of names of members with dates of admission, death, exclusion, or erasure, together with records of baptisms.  The clerk shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the church, preserve on file all communications and written official reports, and give notice of all required meetings where notice is necessary, and indicated in these by-laws.  The clerk shall be responsible for preparing the annual letter of the church to the association.
Section 6. Treasurer:
The church shall elect annually a church treasurer as its financial officer.  It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive, preserve, and pay out, upon receipt of vouchers approved and signed by authorized personnel, all money or things of value paid or given to the church, keeping at all times an itemized report of the receipts and disbursements of the preceding month.  At the end of each fiscal year the treasurer shall present a record of the previous year to the clerk who shall keep and preserve the account as part of the permanent records of the church.  The treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the church.
Section 7. Sunday School Director:
          The church shall elect annually a Sunday School Director to administer and promote all areas of the Sunday School.  This will include the oversight of ordering, distribution, and evaluating as necessary all literature used.  The Sunday School Director will be expected to report regularly to the church the progress of the Sunday School.  The assistant director will help the director in the execution of his duties, and will assume them in his/her absence

This church may elect committees anytime the need arises. These committees may be permanent or temporary depending upon their job description at the time of that need. All committees shall be nominated from the floor and elected by the church in business session (unless otherwise stated in these by-laws). The following committees shall serve the church and be elected each year in the regular August business meeting.
Section 1. Nominating Committee:
A nominating committee shall be elected from the floor and shall be composed of three (3) members approved by the church each year. This committee shall be appointed at the regular business meeting in June, and shall serve throughout the year for which it was appointed. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate every officer and teacher that is elected by nomination in this church (unless otherwise stated in these by-laws). This committee shall submit nominations for election in the August regular business meeting of the church. This committee shall also nominate persons to fill any vacancies occurring anytime as needed.
Section 2. Pulpit Committee
A pulpit committee shall be elected by nomination from the floor by this church in business session at any time the church is in need of a pastor or interim pastor. The number of this committee shall be five (5) and will be released of its duty when a pastor is called by the church.
Section 3. Children's Church Committee
This church shall elect annually a children's church committee as long as the church operates a children's church. It shall be the duties of this committee to staff and oversee the operation of the children's church to meet the needs of the church.

Section 4. Hospitality Committee:

The hospitality committee is responsible for formulating and recommending to the church

policies for the kitchen and for communicating these policies to church members.
This committee will
(1) Make arrangements for all food service and special dinners.
(2) Purchase or make arrangements for supplies needed for entertaining.
(3) Make arrangement for any equipment needed.

Section 5. Sunshine Committee:
The church shall elect annually a sunshine committee. It will be the duty of this committee to secure, arrange, and dispose of floral arrangements for church service and for bereaved members.
This committee will
(1) Order flowers for the church, for funerals of members and their immediate family (children, mother, and father).
(2) Send item of bereavement to local family when funeral is out of town.
(3) Send planter or other items to members who stay in the hospital two days or more.
(4) Send cards to the sick for any other occasion necessary for the ministry of the church.
(5) Prepare a ham and contact church members for food and deliver these items to the bereaved family.

Section 6. Housing Committee:
(1) This committee shall be responsible for the general upkeep and improvements of the church property and parsonage. In the event these improvements are needed, this committee may authorize the spending of two hundred fifty dollars at a time on any specific improvement. If the cost of improvements exceeds this limit, the committee will be expected to bring the matter before the church in regular or special called business session.
(2) The housing committee shall be responsible for all long range plans and recommendations concerning such long range plans to meet the needs of the church concerning the buildings and grounds.
(3) The housing committee shall be composed of five (5) members who will be elected annually at the August regular business meeting.
(4) The housing committee shall elect their own chairman and be responsible for any policies necessary for their meetings and the performance of their duties.

Section 1. General:
All organizations of the church shall be under church control, and all officers elected by the church shall report regularly to the church. It is understood that the pastor is an ex-officio officer of all organizations named, and his leadership is to be recognized in them.
Section 2 Sunday School:
There shall be a Sunday School, divided into departments and classes for all ages and conducted under the direction of a general director, for the study of God's Word. Sunday School is to be conducted each Sunday morning.
The task of the Sunday School shall be to teach the biblical revelation; lead in reaching all prospects for the church; lead all church members to worship, witness, learn, and minister daily; provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.
Section 3. Women's Missionary Union:
There shall be a Women's Missionary Union (WMU) with such officers and such forms of organization as needed. The tasks of the WMU shall be to teach missions; provide organization and leadership for special mission projects of the church; provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and the denomination.
Section 4. Church Music Program:
There shall be a church music program under the direction of the music director. He/she shall have general oversight and direction of the music of the church. Such officers and/or organization shall be included as needed. It shall be the responsibility of the director to provide music and musicians for the congregational services and the organization of the church; lead persons to participate in hymn singing; train person to lead, sing, and play music; provide organization and leadership for special projects of the church; provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.
Section 1.
The church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning and evening for preaching, instruction, evangelism, and for worship of God, and on Wednesday evening for prayer and Bible Study. These meetings will be open to all people and shall be conducted under the direction of the pastor. Section 2 Regular Business Meeting:
(1) Regular Business Meetings shall be held monthly on the first Sunday of each month. Should there be any unusual matters of interest to be brought before such monthly meetings notice will be given at least one week prior to the meeting, in all scheduled services during that week.
(2) In case of a revival meeting or some other special service interfering with the holding of this regular monthly business meeting it may be postponed until another date by announcement by the pastor, or in the case of the church being without a pastor, or in the absence of the pastor, by announcement by the moderator.

Section 3. Special Business Meeting:
(1) Special business meetings can be called by the pastor at regular services of the church to consider matters needing immediate attention.
(2) All business having to do with the dismissal of a pastor or any other paid staff; with the sale, conveying, mortgage, or otherwise disposing of any, or all, property of the church, must be announced from the pulpit on the two Sunday mornings, at the hour of regular services, next preceding the regular call meeting. These matters of business must receive 3/4 of the votes of the members present and voting at such meetings.

Section 4. Quorum:
The quorum shall be members present
Section 5. Parliamentary Rules:
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, is the authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church.
Section 6. Rights of Members in Business Meetings:
             Any member may entertain or second a motion, as long as they are in order.

Section 7.

A majority vote of the quorum shall rule on all matters of routine nature. Example: A quorum is half the members present plus one. All other matters shall be stated in these by-laws.
Section 8.  Fiscal Year.
    The Fiscal year of this church shall be September 1 through August 30.

Section 1. Baptism:
     Any person who receives Jesus Christ as Savior by personal faith; who professes Him publicly at any worship service; and who indicates a commitment to follow Christ as Lord, shall become a candidate for baptism.

(1) Baptism shall be administered by the pastor or an ordained minister of like faith and order (SBC) as authorized by the church. The deacons shall assist in the preparation for, and the observance of, baptism.
(2) Baptism shall be by immersion in water.
(3) Baptism shall be administered as an act of worship.
(4) A person professing Christ and failing to be baptized after a reasonable length of time, shall be counseled by the pastor and/or deacons.

Section 2 The Lord's Supper:
The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of Christ's body, through partaking of the bread and fruit of the vine, commemorate the death of Jesus Christ and anticipate His second coming.
(1) The Lord's Supper shall be observed at least once each quarter.
(2) The pastor and deacons shall be responsible for the administration of the Lord's Supper.

Section 1.
Should any unhappy differences arise among members, the aggrieved member shall follow in a tender spirit, the rules given by the Lord in Matthew 18:15-17. -Section 2
Should any case of gross breach of covenant, or of public scandal occur, the deacons shall endeavor to remove the offense; and if the effort fails, shall report the case to the church.
Section 3.
All such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance, but should an adverse decision be reached, the church may proceed to admonish or declare the offender to be no longer in the membership of the church. It shall be the purpose of the Valley View Baptist Church to emphasize to its members that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member. Redemption rather than punishment shall be the guidelines which govern the attitude of one member toward another.
Section 4.
Any person whose membership has been terminated for any offense may be restored by vote of the church, upon evidence of his repentance and reformation.
Section 5.
Be it understood that this church will not grant letters to churches who are not of like faith and practice. It shall be the responsibility of the member uniting with such churches to request his name be removed from the church roll. If no request is received the person will be contacted by the deacons concerning his intention about his membership. Any action of the church will be based on the recommendation of the deacons.
Section 6.
If it be requested by anyone that their name be removed from the church roll this shall be done in accordance with their request by vote of the church in business session.
Section 1. Funerals:
The pastor or another Southern Baptist minister shall be present in the funeral services conducted in this church.

Section 2. Weddings, receptions, and showers
A request must be submitted and permission granted by the church before use of the church for weddings, receptions, and showers.
(1) Weddings: Church members and their family may use a minister of like faith and order to perform weddings within the church.
(2) Receptions: Wedding receptions that are associated with the wedding that was performed in the church may be held in the church fellowship hall. It will be the responsibility of the church member that uses the fellowship hall for this purpose to see that it is cleaned after use. No outside persons may be employed unless they are supervised by a church member.
(3) Showers: Church members and their family shall be permitted to have showers in the church. It will be the responsibility of the church member that uses the church for this purpose to see that it is cleaned after use. No outside persons may be employed unless they are supervised by a church member.

This constitution and by-laws rescinds and takes the place of all previously approved documents of this nature and shall become effective upon approval of the church.
Changes in this constitution and by-laws may be made at any regular business meeting of this church, provided such amendments have been presented in writing at a previous business meeting and a copy of that amendment posted in the bulletin for all to read. Amendments to this constitution and by-laws shall be by % vote of the members present and voting.
NOTE: This document was approved by the church on                                                    .                              



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